
Showing posts from August, 2021

Where Have We Come From - The Indian Story*

  Oldest ancestors of modern Indians, the First Indians, were the descendants of the African hunter-gatherers, who migrated out of sub-Saharan Africa around 50,000 – 70,000 years ago, carrying the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) of the African eve in their cells. They probably reached India 65,000 years ago. Evidence of their life are found in Bhimbetka caves in the Raisen district of Madhya Pradesh and in Jawalapuram, located in Curnool district of Andhra Pradesh. This is not to say that archaic Humans did not live in India before 65000 years. Both Bhimbetka and Jawalapuram have evidence of such life. But none of these people left any descendants among modern Indians. Indians, across the country today, have inherited about 50% of their genome from First Indians. Onge tribe of the Little Andaman Island have the maximum inheritance from the First Indians. They number about 120 today. Rest of Indians with much reduced proportion of First Indian genome number about 1,36,64,00000. Second mass

Where Have We Come From?

Where have we come from? This query has occupied human thought for many millennia; perhaps from the time human mind developed the capacity for analytical abstract thought. All ancient civilisations, and latter organised religions, had a unique myth of the origin of their race. For a very long-time people were unaware of the vastness of earth. Their immediate environment was their conceivable world. They could not imagine that they had come to their corner of earth from distant lands.  The heroes and the villains in these myths were different, but all professed that their people were created by a divine being: Inti, the Sun god of Incas, Gaea and Uranus of Greeks, Marduk of Babylonians, Adam and Eve created by God of Christianity, Brahma, the creator, of Hindus. Civilisations were born across the ancient world after the invention of Agriculture. People discovered land and sea routes to the distant corners of the earth and their inhabitants. But they remained smugly content in their prov