The First Three Minutes


The First Three Minutes: A Modern View of the Origin of Universe
Steven Weinberg

Urge to ruminate over the origin of universe and life is dateless and ubiquitous. Once the body is well clothed, fed, secure and sufficiently sexed, nothing else satisfies mind as well as the pursuance of this eternal quest. All religions, cultures and schools of philosophy have speculated on these seemingly insuperable queries from time immemorial. But the most thrilling and bewitching answers have been provided by modern physics and evolutionary biology. Mere contemplation of the fact that a couple of simple laws of science, capable of being expressed in a few sentences can explain to a large extent origin of this infinite universe with its billions of galaxies flying away at dizzying speeds in a largely cold, dark & lifeless space, sends waves of pleasurable shivers down the spine.

Steven Weinberg, a theoretical physicist and a Nobel laureate, whose principle work has been in Particle physics, has written this book on the modern scientific theories about the origin of universe. This book is for an inquisitive, sincere reader who is willing to spend a little time required to assimilate the facts and descriptions presented here, though all are explained in a simple language, sans any scientific notations.

Book is a masterpiece of scientific writing for laypersons, a veritable tour de force. I have read many books on these topics but Weinberg’s book quite incontrovertibly surpasses all in brevity, clarity of thought and lucid discussions of scientific reasoning. It is a slim volume about hundred and fifty pages in all, but in it is contained a wisdom not found in books thrice its size.

As the name suggests Weinberg describes the events that marked the birth of Universe. He chiefly occupies himself with the life of Universe from 1/100th second of its birth to about three minutes. He first explains how science discovered this knowledge, the scientific reasoning leading to construction of the modern theory of origin of universe. I read each page with growing excitement and a palpitating heart as I glimpsed albeit hazily and fleetingly, the scenario of an evolving universe (the haze and ephemeral nature of revelation certainly due to my ignorance of higher mathematics and physics). It is truly mind-blowing to realize that the physical nature of primordial universe, when it was but a few minutes old, is still reflected in its structure after fourteen billion years. Scientific process that gave us this knowledge is purely and truly awesome.

This is a book meant for every book-lover and for all who ever seek after knowledge and truth in life. As Weinberg writes in the book that though ‘…the more the universe seems comprehensible, the more it also seems pointless’, still ‘the effort to understand the universe is one of the very few things that lifts human life a little above the level of farce, and gives it some of the grace of tragedy.’ If someone wants to read only one book on the origin of universe this should be the one, quite unquestioningly.


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