Forebodings and Hope
Hi! These are difficult times. A pandemic caused by a virus, which is highly contagious and occasionally fatal, rages in our world. The biggest economies, the technical giants and the wizards in the world of medical sciences have been brought down on their knees. Virus seems to know what it wants from our bodies but our body’s protection gear hasn’t yet learnt to deal with this new invader. Neither does our supremely wonderful mind know the ways of this tiny mischievous blob of genetic material, which has played truant by abandoning its legitimate home in search for a new abode. It is this fear of unknown, the ominous uncertainty just around the corner, which has turned our lives topsy-turvy. For a period, virus thrives in our bodies, does not produce any outwardly signs of its occupancy, yet remains capable of invading more innocent bodies to continue its relentless goal of reproducing its sparse genetic material. This is the most potent recipe to leave behind maxim...