Origin of life, Style of writing, A throbbing city, A book to beware of
Hi! These days, every time I sit down to write a new post on books that I have read, I learn anew the plight of columnists. They have to churn out articles on novel themes unceasingly, week after week. I take heart in the knowledge that for me this is a self-inflicted injury, in an attempt to sate the desire for written word. While, for many columnists it is perhaps a means of livelihood. But the moment I browse through the collection of my book reviews, I am charged with vigour. I experience once again the joys these books provided when I read them first. Ideas sprout spontaneously and the only task of carving these thoughts in words remains. This is arduous but fulfilling too, particularly if in the end I find that my words to some extent reflect the picture I had in min d. It’s an enviable skill to be able to say in unambiguous and simple words what one wants to say. For long I harboured an ill-conception that a skilful writer can effortlessly produce a p...