Delhi, Genes, Berlin, English and Annapurna
Hi! I discovered the joys of walking city roads, about a decade back, while I was in Delhi. City presents a new face to a walker, which is hidden when you traverse the same roads in a vehicle. Sam Miller’s Delhi-Adventures in a Megacity is a collection of author’s reflections on Delhi, gathered as he walked it’s wide spread. Same circumstances seen through foreigner’s eyes excite fresh thoughts in a mind that has not been benumbed by long familiarity to the place. Book will be a delight for armchair travellers. Much is now known about the origin of innumerable species inhabiting almost every niche on earth: from the single celled bacteria which are around for billions of years, and homo sapiens who are not more than 150-200,000 years old. But Origin of life, the spark that transformed an inert collection of chemicals into a thriving and reproducing cell (or a collection of them), still remains a mystery. Most biologists today believe, the attribute that would have brought...