
Showing posts from April, 2021

Measure of Eternity

  Time is ubiquitous, felt by all, yet unfathomably mysterious. In an earlier post I wrote of its enigmatic nature. Not only its nature, even its scale is beyond the grasp of human mind.  Smallest quantity of time measurable theoretically is 10 –43 seond, i.e., one part of a second divided into 10 43 parts (ten followed by 42 zeroes). This scale does not pertain only to the realm of theoretical physics. Our universe changed immensely within these time intervals at its inception. 10 –32 second after Big Bang, universe had increased by a factor of 10 78 . This increase in volume is like the expansion of half a molecule of DNA into a space of 10.6 light years. One light year is the distance light travels in a year, which is 9 trillion kilometres. That is a 9 with 12 zeroes behind it. At the other end of its scale time is equally baffling. Life on earth began about 3.8 billion years ago. For us, billion is just a figure, one followed by nine zeroes. To picture the vastness billion enc