Measure of Time

Time is inevitable. It is the essence without which reality has no meaning. It is inseparably woven in the fabric of universe, chronicling its history every moment: inflation of universe since beginning, formation of galaxies from cosmic dust, creation of elements in the nuclear furnace of stars, origin of organic life from these elements on a miniscule planet, evolution of complex organisms which ruminate on the nature of the phenomenon of time.

Movement of cosmic bodies in our vicinity give us the measure of time: rotation of Earth on its axis, its revolution around Sun, Moon’s revolution around earth. We are born with a biological clock which is aligned to this astronomical clock. It regulates physiological processes and behavioural patterns. Though these two clocks are synchronized, biological clock keeps ticking independently of the external clock. This explains the jet-lag after a long intercontinental flight across many longitudes.

Plants and animals too, it would seem, have an innate sense of time. Plants measure changing length of the day for flowering. As do birds for breeding and migration.

Palolo worm lives in carol reefs in South Pacific. In the early morning of two particular days during the last quarter of moon in October and November, rear ends of all the worms break off and swim to the surface for breeding.

A bee which finds food, returns to its hive and through a dance tells its mates about the location of food-source based on Sun’s direction. Dance is performed inside the dark hive. Outside sun’s direction changes as day progresses. Bee alters the motions in the dance accordingly, every passing hour, without venturing out. This is an incredible example of the precision of biological clocks.

One would expect that a feature thus entangled in the architecture of universe and life on earth would be universally understood. But time remains the most intriguing aspect of our reality. Like human consciousness, it is readily felt but defies simple explanation.

We kill time, yet it’s the time that kills us. Time is priceless; we still waste it thoughtlessly. Time doesn’t wait for any, but some are able to save it judiciously. None can take the measure of time but proverbial wisdom has measured the length of a stitch in time, which later saves one nine. Time is invisible but it often weighs heavy on mind. Poets even hear its chime. Some see footprints of their dear ones in its sands.

The astronomical time I spoke about is on a scale experienced in our world, on our tiny little planet, an insignificant collection of dust, revolving around a middling star. This measure changes in the boundless universe. Sun rotates on its axis in about twenty-seven terrestrial days. It also revolves around the centre of our galaxy, i.e., Milky Way. This revolution takes about 225 million years and is called the Cosmic year. Last time we were in the position we are today in our galaxy; Dinosaurs had begun to arise. Only 58 cosmic years have elapsed since the origin of universe but about 14000,000,000,000 terrestrial years. Our brain cannot even begin to fathom this number. It did not evolve to understand Cosmic time, concept which is useless in its struggle for survival. But neither did universe evolve to bring about intelligent life on one of its planets. Its truth thus, may follow a logic which is counterintuitive to human reason.

Science only makes the riddle of time murkier. Newton in seventeenth century postulated the eternally inviolable absolute Time and Space. Universality of the time was unquestionable. Planets in space and life on earth moved on a rhythm set by a cosmic clock. This irrefutable sanctity afforded time a divine status and doubts about its nature could not be entertained.

Einstein upended this cosmic balance with his theory of Special Relativity in 1905 and General Relativity in 1915. Bottom dropped from the universe of Time and Space. Truth was weirder than the wildest of imagination. Each planet, each star, every moving body, carries its own time. No time is universal. Space itself is bent, curved, and rippled under the influence of mass in it. Time fell from its high pedestal. It became the fourth dimension of Spacetime.

Flow of time is its universal attribute but most difficult to explain. Are we standing on the banks of the river of Time as it flows by us? Or are we flowing in the current of time? We know the direction of the flow of time instinctively. We see eggs splatter on floor, windshields being smashed on roads. Never do splattered egg coalesce into whole or glass-bits gather into a windshield.

Science tells us that flow of time is an illusion. All equations of physics, Newtonian or Einsteinian, are time invariant. They are true in both directions of time, present to future and present to past. Einstein believed that ‘for us believing physicists the distinction between past, present, and future only has the meaning of an illusion, though a persistent one.’ This is not only counterintuitive, but seems to negate the basic laws of life. We feel the truth of our past in our bones, but cannot remember single facet of our future.

Relativity explains that future of one planet can be another’s past, when two are astronomical distances apart and moving at speeds comparable to light. It would then appear that past, present and future of every particle in universe are frozen forever in the spacetime matrix. Each body weaves its own past, present, and future as it moves across this medium.

However meaningless may be the concept of flow of time for science, it is the lynchpin of our lives. Time is the thread on which are strung beads of our experience that make our life stories. Without it we are but a haphazard collection of moments.

Quantum physics with its highly accurate predictions and equally bizarre theories of reality is most inaccessible to human mind. In this esoteric branch of physics, past, present, and future are mere possibilities. Observer purveying time and space influences which possibility will crystalise into reality of the moment. An event carries in it all the innumerable histories that it could have had. Richard Feynman, the maverick genius and perhaps the most celebrated theoretical physicist of the second half of twentieth century, worked out a method to predict the contribution of various histories in shaping an event. He called this phenomenon The Sum Over Histories. Uncannier is the assertion of Quantum science that future influences past. This has been proved unequivocally in the Delayed Choice experiments. One can roam in this outlandish world of strange happenings only with the aid of mathematics. Any attempt to picture the reality of Quantum world in our mind will always be doomed. ‘Anyone who claims to understand Quantum theory is either lying or crazy,’ was Feynman’s opinion.

Our brains evolved to let our genes survive and proliferate in a world where genes of million other species were fighting for the same resources. Mind constructs a reality of our physical world which most adequately serves this purpose. Any understanding beyond this is a spill over, not the intended objective of Evolution. (I speak of Evolution as if it has a purpose. I cannot emphasise more strongly that evolution is a blind process working on a few simple laws). World may have many dimensions, but we can only conceive three. These suffice us to negotiate space on our planet in all facets of living. An ant, if it had a mind, would probably have seen only two in the same world. Is time then a dimension, which human mind has not evolved to understand? Mind perhaps, constructs an image of it which makes us feel the flow of the river of time from eternity to eternity.

Science has unravelled many mysteries of human mind. Artificial intelligence accomplishes with ease tasks which were earlier the sole domain of mind. But no algorithm can make a computer understand simple notions like goodness, cruelty, morality and beauty; Concepts which human mind knows instinctively. Is time also one such abstraction, beyond the reach of extant science, but within easy grasp of human mind?

Whatever may be the true nature of time, this understanding, when it dawns, will not change the way my mind perceives time. Winds from future will eternally blow ephemeral moments in my present and embed them forever in my past. I will continue to yearn and rue my past, suffer and rejoice in present and will always look towards future with hope and foreboding.



  1. Good one.
    Gives an overview...
    There may not be a time
    Lot of time theories have causality in the basis

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Your beautiful essay raises more questions than answers. It compels one to ruminate. Bravo!


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